Page name: Silent Screams [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-05-10 00:34:01
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[K then I'm restarting this one affective as of now! April 25th 10:59 a.m. clearly i was bored or really tired at the time x3]

Silent Screams

Here in the night your nightmares and fears haunt your every waking and sleeping moment. The question you ask yourself now is what scares you the most? What here has you crying in the night for the safety of light? What in the end will be your doom and demise? Most importantly, can you save yourself from it or it will be the key to your grave?

Plot: K here's the jist of what this wiki is gonna be about first it'll vary for everyone by how you interpret the paragraph above which will make it interesting. for the most part everyone will have a fear or nightmare somethin that plagues them durin the daylight and especially the night time it can range from almost drowning to being raped or abused and your character will face the fear well if you want your character to do that tis up to you


1. be nice to people
2. your character will have a fear somethin that would bring them to their knees crying or such
3. no racial slurs or deragatory stuffs k unless you bring in a character that uses it only against your own character k
ex: if i bring in gackt's dad as a character for a moment he may use deragatory slurs only against gackt no other characters
4. any and all sex will go here silent screams: not so silent x3
5. use this to create your character:

Description: [pic is optional if you do use a pic please put it at the end of your character profile and mention it here say look at pic]
Fear: [what haunts your character]
Other info: [for anything i may have missed or if your character has mutations or such]

6. have fun fools and invite people who you'd think would like this to


Silent Screams Characters <----

Characters go here foolz :D

Characters: [ur username and ur character(s) name(s)]

[Tis gone but never gone] as Michelle Winters and Gareth Jones
[GlassCasket] as Daniel Riley and Anatoly
[Ritsuka-Kun] as Gackt Camui, Kira, and Kuja, raven
[ArtworkA] as Trace cyrus and Alexandria
[Legendary] as heatra
[HeAVenShallBuRN] as Yog`Sarron
[wolvie]as Bruce Dickinson and his puppy Baxter

HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce sighs and goes over with Gackt to see who it is, "Anatoly"

Nick, 'well cool, listen can we skip drinks i'm tired'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "well he can come if he wants i wanna learn this fencing"

Kuja nods 'you can stay in my dorm'

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "Alright if you say so Gackt"

Nick, 'ok thank you'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "i do say so"

Kuja smiled taking him to his dorm 'here we are'

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "Then follow me" he goes back to the training room

Nick smiles back looking around

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly followed behind them not speaking.

Daniel put his arms around her and kisses her forehead.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled following after Bruce.

Kira smiled "mornin to you too"

Kuja smiles 'you can have the bed i'll sleep on the couch'

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce, "So Anatoly, what brings you here?" he asks picking out his favorite fencing sword

Nick shakes his head, 'your dorm you have the bed'

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle walked back into her room and saw that Gareth was gone."Nice move cuz." she chuckled and got dressed

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly walks into the training room silently.

Daniel smiled, "Well, i fell asleep really early didn't I?" He asked.

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle blowed dyed her hair and then she curled it cause she felt in a flirt mood today.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "so how ya fence?"

Kira smiled back "looks like it"

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Daniel smiled, "One second i need to go get something from my locker." He said with a smile. He stood up and put on a tank top then walked out of the room.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Fine on't reply" he smiles at Gackt, "Well the first and absolute most important rule is that you have to bow to your partner before you start, this shows friendship and respect" He says then bows to Gackt

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly grinned watching carefully. Once they started, so would he.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled back "alright then"

Gackt smiles back bowing as well.

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle walked out her dorm room wearing skinny red jeans and a white tank top. She walked down the hall and saw Daniel."I take it you got lucky last night since you never came to the piss up at my room."she smirked at him

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Good, I'll start slow all you have to do is try and block me I won't try and hurt you" he says then swings his sword towards Gackt

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt jumps managing to block with his sword "like this?"

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Daniel laughed, "No, i just didn't feel like getting all incestual with your cousin and you." He said with a wink, "Little miss hangover." He said with a chuckle. He wore black sweats and a whit tank.

Anatoly jumped into their fight from nowhere. He pulled his combat knife out and lunged at Gackt. The knife itself was at least a foot long, more like a short sword.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira sat up putting just her shirt back on she didnt feel like bothering with a bra this early in the morning.

Gackt jumped freezing his eyes going wide he tried to block with the sword he had but he messed up and tripped falling down.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce goes to reply then see's Anatoly and jumps, quickly turning and blocking the knife, "Anatoly Stop!"

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle chuckled."Nice come back Daniel. Ouch you hurt my feelings that is I had any." she chuckled."So where you heading?" she walked over to him

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt stood up dusting himself off.

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly grinned at Bruce and kicked at his shin. He knew he had a quicker reaction time than Bruce but he still jumped back after hitting his shin then he looked at Gackt not saying a word.

Daniel grinned, "Going to my locker. Gotta get some theraputic lotions. You can still come up with us."

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "cant i learn to defend myself at my own pace?"

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle rolled her eyes."Daniel I'm not into threesomes." she chuckled.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce winces a little, "Anatoly that's enough!" he shouted a little, starting to get pissed

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt went over to bruce "you ok?" he lightly put his hands on his shoulders

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Daniel laughed, "Who said anything about that?" He said stopping at his locker and pulling out a few lotions, "I just wanted to work out your stress, C'mon please?" he said smiling.

Anatoly didn't stop he walked over to Gackt and sliced downward at him.

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle poked his cheek."You just want to here me moan and say 'Oh Daniel that feels soo good'" she chuckled.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Fine" he says, managing to block Anatoly, "Goddamnit Anatoly stop!" he slices upwards towards him

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira stretched lightly waiting.

Gackt shakes "quit it!"

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Daniel winked, "Thats not a bad thing is it?" He said, "It'll be fun, come on."

Anatoly reacted by knocking the rapier up and vibrating down to Bruce's hand violently attempting to make him drop it from the pain. Then he spins backwards and kicks Gackt in the chest.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt screams in pain collapsing onto the floor

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle rolled her eyes."Fun? I'm pretty sure I don't know what fun is." she smiled."Fine I'll go but we drink tho cause you missed the piss up. Deal?" she raised an eyebrow as she held out one hand for him to shake

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce jumps, dropping his sword then growls, lunging at Anatoly and knocking him down, though he was a short man he was also pretty muscular from his years of fencing and touring, he starts punching Anatoly angrilly

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Daniel smiled and took her hand, "Deal." He said, "I'll meet you there." He said and jogged back to his dorm. He walked in and saw Kira. He put the lotions beside the bed and smiled, "How are you?" He said.

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly took the hits and flipped Bruce sideways into the air with his knees. He grapped Bruce's neck and threw him at Gackt. His eye had a cut and his lip was bleeding a little but not much else. He was built for fighting and trained to take bullets.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled back "bored very bored" she giggled.

Gackt shook sitting up slowly rubbing his chest.

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle chuckled as she walked back to her dorm. She walked over to the mini fridge and pulled out two bottles of vodka and put it in her bag, she grabed three shot glass and put them in her bag. She walked out her dorm and to Daniel's dorm.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce winces more then grabs his chest, starting to feel very intense pain by his chest

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shakes getting up and darting to the room he stayed in he quickly starting going through his things

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira hummed softly.

Gackt shook he wanted bruce he didnt want do anything he'd regret

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce shakes, looking at Anatoly, "Call...ambulance...think...having...heart attackt..." he manages to say

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle knocked on Daniel's door."Yo can I come in or should I came back later...alot later on." she chuckled

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt frowned as he dialed 911.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce winces and passes out

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shook fearfully he went back to Bruce kneeling next to him "hey you dont you dare die on me i'll kick your ghostly ass"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: The emt's and stuffs arrive, knockin on the front door

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt quickly answers the door.

Kira looks up "i guess ya can come in if ya want"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: The emt's, "Where is he sir?"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt pulls the emt to the training room.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: They nod, quickly getting Bruce out to the ambulance

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shakes "may i go with?"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: "Sure come on in" one says

Bruce wakes up a little, muttering about mango's, "I don't's"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt hops in holding bruce's hand without thought

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: "He's gonna be just find kid don't you worry" the emt smiles reasuringly

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back "he better be"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: [Awhile later]

Bruce yawns, opening his eyes slowly, he was in the hospital and confused also kinda loopy, "Hey I know you!" he says to Gackt

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt chuckles "I'd hope so"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce "You the mango man I don't like you" he giggles, the pain medicine making him loopy

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggles "mangos are evil yes"

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle knocked on Daniel's door."Yo can I come in or should I came back later...alot later on." she chuckled

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "Where baxter?"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "he's fine at home i let him chew on a pair of your boxers"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce giggles

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggles "you'll be fine"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce nods "I know mango man'll save me"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggles "yea he will"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce nods and smiles, "When can i come home?"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back "let me find a doctor and ask alright?"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "Alright"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles going to nurses station "excuse me ma'am mr dickinson was wonderin when could he leave?"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: The nurse checks her computer, "He can leave anytime he wants"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods goin back to Bruce "you can leave whenever"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Awesome lets go"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back getting him checked out "so you live alone? you dont have any kids?"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Sweet and yeah no kids sadly"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "ya ever adopt?"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce, "I've thought about it but no not yet" he smiles back, "It'd be too hard with how often I fly, tour, and do tournaments for fencing"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods "ah i see"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "Yeah it's hard being alone and trying to do all that and I figured adding kids'd just be harder"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "well you're not alone now"

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle knocked on Daniel's door."Yo can I come in or should I came back later...alot later on." she chuckled

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira hopped up opening the door "well come on in"

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle."Hey Kira." she chuckled as she walked into Daniel's room."I have vodka"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled "awesome? you two have fun" she shrugged "i dont drink"

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle looked at Kira like she was crazy."What? You don;t drink?"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back and nods, "Wait I'm not?"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira shakes her head sittin down "i have control over my power now i dont wanna lose it big fear of mine"

Gackt blushes "well i live with you so see you're not alone"

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nods."I see. Well I guess Daniel and I will need a babysitter cause things get a little wild when both Daniel and I are the same room." she chuckled.

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira nods "yea i guess"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Oh yeah right" he smiles, "I hate to be a pain in the ass but can you help me like let me lean on you till we get home?"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back "well of course"

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle walked over to the bed and sat on it crossed legged. She opened her bag and pulled out two bottles fo vodka and three shot glasses

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira "or maybe there could be fun had sober?" she shrugs "Ive done pretty good at sober fun"

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle looked at Kira."I'm a daughter of a hooker/druggie/drunk I never do the whole sober fun thing." she poured herself a vodka shot

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce nods and leans on Gackt, "Thank you"

Nick wakes up, rubbing his head, his eye was killing him so he got up to take some medicine

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira "well maybe you should try just because of who your parents are doesnt mean thats how you have to end up i would strive to be the opposite of them"

Gackt blushes "welcome"

Kuja chuckles "imma go tell my sis there's a guy in my bed i wanna see the look on her face"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles and starts walking then eeps, almost falling, he clings to Gackt to keep from falling

Nick gets some pills, dry swallowing them then lays back down

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt blushes more catching him his face close to Bruce's his lips just centimeters away.

Kuja 'i'll be back nick'

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle."Yeah I'm not in the mood to here a pep talk right now but thanks." she down the shot. She looked at Daniel."Drink?" she held out a shot for him.

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira shrugged pickin up her bag "well i dont wanna feel like a third wheel and i really dont want to be the only sober one"

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle."Oh come and stay. I won't drink much"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira nodded sittin down "fine"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Uhhhh" he blushes furiously, well come on Bruce just lean in a little tiny bit and kiss him not that hard he blushes

Nick nods, 'ok'

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled kissing him lightly such warm and inviting wow his lips are soft

Kuja 'imma go bug my sis'

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nods."Cool." she looked at Daniel."Come on and drink man." she chuckled

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira looked around drummin her fingers on her knee

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce blushes furiously, kissing him back, wow...

Nick nods, 'ok have fun'

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles softly "wow"

Kuja nods headin out.

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "Yeah wow" he smiles back

Nick rolls to his side, looking around

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt blushes furiously.

Kuja "hey kira :D"

Kira "what?"

Kuja "there's a dude in my bed"

Kira rolled her eyes "shut up kuja"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce, "What's wrong?"

Nick falls into a light sleep

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "nothing is wrong"

2010-05-07 [GlassCasket]: Daniel came out of the bathroom and out to Michelle and Kira, "Sorry about that." He said smiling, "What did i miss?" He asked.

Anatoly knew what he had to do, he didn't like it but these were his orders. He pulled into Bruce's parking lot, "Bruce!" He yelled from outside of his yard.

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "Ok ok lets get home" he gets back home, still leaning on Gackt, kinda weak from the heart attack, "Yes Anatoly?"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira "not much really"

Gackt held close to Bruce.

2010-05-07 [GlassCasket]: Daniel took up a shot glass and threw it back.

Anatoly watched him, "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked speaking of his mutation.

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira stood up "i should go"

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle."Thats my boy." she looked at Kira."Why you going?"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira "again everyone is drinking im not going to alcohol and massaging wont lead anywhere good"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce, "T-tell you what?" he asks, avoidin Anatoly's eyes, he didn't want to use his mutation unless if he absoultely had to right now he was weak and felt that using his mutation might kill him

Nick gets up after a minute and goes outside

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle."Yeah that won't happen"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira "ya can say that but alcohol clouds one's judgment i for one will not take that chance"

Gackt glares Anatoly.

Kuja 'hey were you goin nick?'

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle."Nothing like that happens when Daniel and I are drunk." she down another shot then she passed a shot to Daniel."Here"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira "well there's a first for everything well im still going its awkward bein the only sober person in a room"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Nick, 'fresh air' he leans on the railing

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja smiles 'well alright then'

2010-05-07 [GlassCasket]: Daniel set the shot down, "Alright, I won't drink anymore okay?" He asked Kira.

Anatoly leaned off of his car, "Your a mutant Bruce."

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Nick, 'you still wanna go get a few drinks?'

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce, "yeah so?"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled a little "dont let me ruin your fun"

Kuja 'of course'

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle."Fine I'll just drink for all three of us." she down another shot.

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Nick nods, 'ok but if it's the same to you i'll stick with coke'

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira "dont get drunk dear there's more sober"

Kuja smiles 'me too dont worry'

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle shrugged."Takes alot to get me drunk"

2010-05-07 [GlassCasket]: Daniel went over and sat by Michelle. He took her glass away and the alcohol, "You don't have to drink Michelle, whats going on?" He asked.

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle."Oy give it back Daniel." she frowned.

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira sat back down.

2010-05-07 [GlassCasket]: Daniel shook his head, "No, I'm not letting you do this to yourself." He said and took one of her hands, "Whats wrong Michelle?" He asked.

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Nick nods, 'alright'

Bruce, "Does it matter that I'm a mutant?"

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle raised her eyebrow at him."Why do you even care?"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira nods "cause its what friends do why cant we care?"

Kuja smiles headin to a bar.

Gackt smiles "no it doesnt ^^"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Nick follows, kinda slower

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja smiles walking along with Nick

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle rolled her eyes."WHatever"

2010-05-07 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly shrugged, "Not to me, but you know my mission prerogative." He said pulling his OC-14 Gorza from his back strap, "I am sorry Bruce."

Daniel rubbed her hand lightly, "Because. You have helped me before, even when i damn near killed you. I am here for you now, and i am going to help you whether you want it or not." He said with a smile.

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle."Ever think that I don't need nor want you help? Ever think I want don't to talk about my fucked up family? Do you really think I want your pity?" she stood up and picked up her bag and pulled her hand from Daniel."I can deal with my own problems myself. Always have and always will." she walked to the door.

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira frowned "im sorry..."

Gackt stood in front of Bruce "no!"

2010-05-07 [GlassCasket]: Daniel stood up and held the door, "Not this time Michelle." He said standing in front of it, "You have a fucked up family, but not fucked up friends. I do not care if you want my help or if you think you don't need it. I am going to help you either way. You don't have to do this alone. I'm not letting you do this on your own." He said firmly.

Anatoly looked at Gackt, "I am not afraid to kill you too."

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira nods standing up "me either"

Gackt moves quickly forward grabbing the knife from before "and im not afraid to kill you either im not letting you hurt him"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce shakes a little, "Gackt move let me talk with him please"

Nick smiles, 'thanks'

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "but bruce.."

Kuja smiles back 'anytime'

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce, "I just want to talk Gackt I'll be fine promise"

Nick looks around curiously when they get to the bar

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle sighed."Fine you want to know about my fucked up life? Then I'll tell you. My mother is the town whore, she'll sleep with anything that moves. She met my dad and fell in love and had me and Fay but when dad went away to fight in the war, mum cheated on him. She slept with everyone. She use to get drunk and get high and I would be the one to get the fury of it. She beat me but not Fay. Want to know why? It's because I'm like my father. I reminded her of him and she use to try and beat it out of me. So when dad came back everything would be normal for his sake but when he found out about mum cheating, the drugs, the booze he left her and me and Fay. He left me with that whore of a mother. So I got raised by my auntie Jenna, Gareth's mother.Anyways Fay followed in mothers shoes. Fat dose drugs, drinks and sleeps around. I'm the one to bail them out of jail. I'm the one that has to clean up there sick. I'm the one that dose everything for them. Oh and when my dad died my mother tryed to kill me to get my money that I got off my dad. Yeah stupid whore didn;t know that auntie Jenna taught me to defend myself. So thats it. Thats my fucked up life, Daniel. You happy that you know all this about me?"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "you better dammit"

Kuja smiled gettin a booth for em

2010-05-07 [GlassCasket]: Anatoyl pulled back the foreguard on his OC-14, "There is nothing to talk about Bruce, this is why i was born and why i am still alive today."

Daniel stood there and listened, "I am happy that i know. But i am horrified that you had to go through that Michelle, I am sorry." He took a breath, "You do not have to fight this alone. I am here for you. We are friends and we always will be no matter what. I will not let you turn yourself into them by drinking your issues away. I am here for you no matter what your past is. I am not here to judge you but i am here to help you Michelle."

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled "of course we all are even im here for you"

Gackt sighed "please dont hurt him..."

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle."Whatever Daniel." she pushed Daniel out the way and walked out his room and back to her room.

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira frowned "im really sorry i shouldnt have said anything about the alcohol im sorry daniel"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Anatony you know me have I ever harmed anyone? Hell I was the only pilot brave enouhh to go to Iraq multiple times during the war to rescue civilians, your my friend Anatony...if you must kill me then do it fuck I'm old anyway probably only have a few years lef but I want you to think about it carefully first...think of all the people I could heal"

Nick smiles back

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt frowns then heads inside.

Kuja smiles orderin em them some cola.

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle walked into her dorm, she closed the door and locked the door.

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira sighed "i guess i should be goin"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce frowns, watching Gackt go then sighs heavilly and looks at Anatoly

Nick, 'thanks'

2010-05-07 [GlassCasket]: Daniel walked over to Kira, "Don't worry, It's fine. I will have to talk to her later about everything." He hugged Kira, "It's not your fault."

Anatoly watched Brue listening, "You know me Bruce. You know how I am. I don't care if you've never hurt anyone. I don't care if your my friend or how many people you can help. I was trained for this. This is why I am and this is why i was made." He said, "I will kill you Bruce, i swear it."

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira hugged back "alright if you're sure"

Gackt sighed goin through his bag he pulled out a simple pistol he never thought he'd use it but he was gonna try to help bruce. He took a deep breath walking just outside the door of the house aiming and firing 3 times at Anatoly. He wasnt about to give up bruce without a fight.

Kuja smiles 'welcome'

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce sighs then jumps, "Gackt!" he quickly goes to Anatoly, "Your gonna be be fine bud I promise" he shakes a little, putting a hand on his neck to check a pulse, not realizing it'll kick his mutation in

Nick smiles back

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle walked over to her bed and layed on it as the memories came back to her. She cryed softly>"Fuckin memories." she mubbled.

2010-05-07 [GlassCasket]: Daniel nodded, "I'm sure, you can stay if you like."

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled "alright i will"

Kuja sips at his drink

Gackt grabs his left side he managed to dodge all but one he slid down the door he knew it was a stupid thing to do but at least now he'd be able to be with bruce.

2010-05-07 [GlassCasket]: The device on Anatoly's hip beeped. None of the bullets hit him except in his arms, "Now your dead." Anatoly said coldly. The device shot three electrical pulses at Bruce hitting him in three places along his spine to cause a massive seizure. Anatoly threw Bruce off of him and pulled his OC-14 to his shoulder, "You stupid fuck!" He said aiming at Gackt's head and slowly walking towards him.

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shook lightly but then calmed down he was ready to die if bruce wasnt going to live then why would he.

Kira frowned "something's wrong"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce jumps then collapses, breathing heavilly, he tries to grab Anatoly's ankle, "Gackt..."

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle crys softly in her room.

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja smiled softly at Nick

2010-05-07 [GlassCasket]: Daniel smiled, "Great" He said and sat down again, "So, what did you want to talk about?"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Nick smiles back, 'this is nice'

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle crys in her room.

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled back "i dunno" she giggled.

Kuja nods 'yea it is'

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce tries to crawl to Gackt but is far too weak as he breaths heavilly, ""

Nick, 'so how old are you?'

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "i love you too"

Kuja 'thirty and you?'

2010-05-07 [GlassCasket]: Daniel nodded, "There is something wrong with Michelle, I'm sorry but i have to go see her.

Anatoly kicked Bruce's hand off, "You stupid old fuck." He said then commenced walking at Gackt, "I'm going to let you live. Just so you will know how badly you messed up." He kneeled next to him, "If you knew how to fight, maybe he would have lived." He whispered

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back then winces, going still as he dies

Nick, '23'

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth walked to Michelle's dorm room and knocked."Mich?"

Michelle."Piss off!" she yells

Gareth blinked and frowned."Mich whats wrong?"

Michelle."LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Gareth frowned and walked to Daniel's room and knocked."Daniel?"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Baxter runs out snarling, he lunges and sinks his teeth into Anatoly's ankle, 'you hurt my human!'

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shakes "please help him i'll do anything" he cried softly "anything you name it"

Kuja smiled 'cool cool'

Kira nodded "alright"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Nick smiles back, 'if you say so..what's it like to hear and talk?'

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja 'totally odd sometimes specially with some of the stuff ya hear'

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth knocked again."Daniel?"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Nick, 'like what?' he asks curiously

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja chuckles then tells him a few things

2010-05-07 [GlassCasket]: Daniel walked over and opened the door, "Yeah?" He asked.

Anatoly grinned, "No." He said simply, "You help him." He said knowing full well that the only way to save Bruce was in his own head, "I know how, but you don't, so how will you get me to talk?" He asked.

2010-05-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth."Do you know why Michelle is so upset that she is yellin at me to leave her alone? Dude I heard her crying. I haven't heard her crying not since...nevermind. But why is she so upset?"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Bruce <img:modd37-gif.gif>

Nick, 'that is odd'

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shook more "please dammit i'll do anything" he attempted to get up wincing crying out in pain grabbing his side.

Angel walked over to Bruce looking stoicly at him she gently took his hand as her eyes started glowing a bright white.

Kuja nods 'yea it is'

2010-05-07 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly shrugged, "No. You won't do anything. Because you are too scared. Just like when your father faced you." He said. He cared that Bruce died and intended on bringing him back either way but he had to prove something, "You can't always run." He said then turned back to Bruce's body, "Who are you?" He asked angel, "Get out of the way." He said pushing her off and kneeling next to Bruce. He pulled out the device on his hip and stuck it to Bruce's head. It sent electrical shocks to his brain to stimulate activity again.

2010-05-07 [GlassCasket]: Daniel nodded, "I asked her about her past and she told me. Can you do me a favor and stay here with Kira? Keep her company while i go talk to Michelle?" He asked.

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